Many individuals view kindness as a workplace weakness. They mistake kindness for being soft or unable to make tough decisions. When you are kind, the people who believe that is a weakness think that you cannot be counted on in challenging situations or view you as incompetent.
However, studies have shown that kindness is a strength. Kindness is one of the least appreciated leadership attributes. Studies have also revealed that companies that value kindness have lower turnover rates, reduced recruitment costs, and higher productivity.
As a leader, when you display kindness, you make decisions from a basis of fact; you keep rancor and coldness from entering the equation, and you can still hold someone accountable. Empathy prevents leaders from making a bad situation worse. For example, when an employee receives a reprimand, the act is unpleasant for the person receiving it.
Being kind helps prevent the deliverer from being inconsiderate and worsening the situation.
Lastly, know the difference between being kind and being nice. Kind leadership means doing something to assist or help someone out or creating an environment of professionalism that leads to success. While nice refers to wanting to be liked, pleasing others, and not offending.
As a leader, if you have not done so already, add being kind to your list of attributes you need to be successful.