The effort will determine how successful you are and will be the reason why you achieve or do not achieve your goals. A great idea is nothing unless you put in the effort to make the vision a reality.
One of the greatest injustices is when people say, “Work smarter, not harder.” These individuals cannot be more wrong. There is no substitute for hard work and to be honest, working smarter is nothing without the effort behind it. Working wiser means selecting wisely and then working as hard as possible to make your decision a reality.
Never stop giving maximum effort because when you do, you will become insignificant. In sports, the more talented athlete does not win; the athlete who works hard and out efforts others will always be more successful. In business, the individuals who put in the hard work and effort will always have an advantage over the business person who only works smarter.
If you were to poll leaders and ask them whom they would prefer on their team, the person who works smarter or the one who works harder, the majority would say they want the harder worker. We can teach someone to be wiser in their decisions and to accomplish their work, but we never can teach someone how to work hard.
Be determined to work hard and determined that no one will ever out effort you!